We're so excited to share our beautiful patient's stunning facial plastic surgery results.
She is now 2 months healed from a natural endoscopic brow restoration , bilateral otoplasty (ear-pinning) and full face CO2 resurfacing. What a beautiful combination if I do say so myself. It all works so harmoniously with her other features and just look at how much sun damage we were able to erase!
There is still nothing that comes close to a true CO2 laser resurfacing. It helps remove the fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, pigment from years of accumulated sun-damage and produces an overall tightening effect. The skin surface actually becomes more organized and smooth, which makes it more luminous. As you can tell from the photos, your skin really does “glow” after this procedure.
The winter months are the best time to get this procedure, as it is critical to avoid sun exposure while healing, so what are you waiting for?
Give us a call to set up your consultation today! Please call 650.847.1466 or contact us to schedule an appointment in Palo Alto, San Mateo, or Menlo Park.